Otyepkova, Eva

Kulhanek, Jiri;
Nevecna, Tat'jana;
Exner, Otto;
Otyepkova, Eva, Ortho effect and steric inhibition of resonance: Basicities of methyl-substituted acetophenones. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2003, 16(10), 721 - 725, 10.1002/poc.642

Kulhanek, Jiri;
Pytela, Oldrich;
Nevecna, Tat'jana;
Otyepkova, Eva;
Otyepka, Michal, Correlation of Dissociation Constants of 2- and 2,6-Substituted Anilines in Water by Methods Based on the Similarity Principle and Quantum-Chemistry Calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2003, 107(51), 11489 - 11496, 10.1021/jp022664w