Picha, Jan

Pytela, Oldrich;
Cibulka, Radek;
Hampl, Frantisek;
Liska, Frantisek;
Picha, Jan;
Parik, Patrik, Reactivity of p-substituted benzaldoximes in the cleavage of p-nitrophenyl acetate: Kinetics and mechanism. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2004, 69(2), 397 - 413.
Pytela, Oldrich;
Cibulka, Radek;
Liska, Frantisek;
Picha, Jan;
Parik, Patrik, Reparametrization and/or determination of hammett, inductive, mesomeric and aise substituent constants for five substituents: N(CH ), CHN(CH) , CHPy, CHSOCH and PO(OCH). Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2004, 69(12), 2239 - 2252, 10.1135/cccc20042239