Antic, Dean

Michl, Josef;
David, Donald E.;
Carsky, Petr;
Hrouda, Vojtech;
Polasek, Martin;
Antic, Dean, Cubic-grid Gaussian basis sets for electron-scattering calculations. 6. Applications to H, HO, and CH. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1997, 101(20), 3754 - 3761.
Michl, Josef;
David, Donald E.;
Imhof, Roman;
Antic, Dean, Conformational effects in photoelectron spectra of tetrasilanes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1997, 101(25), 4579 - 4586.
Michl, Josef;
Albinsson, Bo;
Antic, Dean;
Neumann, Frank, Conformes of n-Si5Me12: A Comparison of ab Initio and Molecular Mechanics Methods. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999, 103(14), 2184 - 2196, 10.1021/jp982920y

Michl, Josef;
David, Donald E.;
Antic, Dean;
Popovic, Duska B., A multichannel electron energy loss spectrometer for low-temperature condensed films. Journal of Chemical Physics 2004, 121(21), 10542 - 10550, 10.1063/1.1807371

Michl, Josef;
Teramae, Hiroyuki;
Antic, Dean;
Crespo, Rauel, Calculation of the conformational dependence of valence and Rydberg states in n-tetrasilane. Chemical Physics 1999, 244(2-3), 203 - 214.
Michl, Josef;
Khabashesku, Valery N.;
Boganov, Sergei E.;
Nefedov, Oleg M.;
Antic, Dean, Matrix isolation of germacyclopentadienes: Direct spectroscopic evidence for germylene-to-germene photochemical interconversion. Organometallics 1996, 15(22), 4714 - 4724.
Michl, Josef;
Antic, Dean;
Piqueras, Mari Carmen;
MacLeod, Matthew K.;
Munrow, Michaeleen R.;
Subramanian, Ranga;
Minei, Andrea J.;
Crespo, Raul;
Izuha, Mitsuaki;
Ito, Tomohiro;
Tatamitani, Yoshio;
Yamanou, Kenji;
Ogata, Teruhiko;
Novick, Stewart E., Rotational spectra of gauche perfluoro-n-butane, CF; perfluoro-iso-butane, (CF)CF; and tris(trifluoromethyl)methane, (CF)CH. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 2007, 242(2), 129 - 138, 10.1016/j.jms.2007.02.021