Pinkhassik, Evgueni

Stibor, Ivan;
Michl, Josef;
Levin, Michael D.;
Adcock, William;
Blokhin, Andrei V.;
Elsey, Gordon M.;
Head, Nicholas H.;
Krstic, Alexander R.;
Munton, Jamie;
Pinkhassik, Evgueni;
Robert, Marc;
Saveant, Jean-Michel;
Shtarev, Alexander, Manifestations of bridgehead-bridgehead interactions in the bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane ring system. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1999, 64(8), 2618 - 2625.
Stibor, Ivan;
Havlicek, Jaroslav;
Tkadlecova, Marcela;
Pinkhassik, Evgueni;
Vyhnankova, Michaela, NMR complexation study of several oxyethylated calix[4]arenes with lithium, sodium and potassium ions. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1996, 61(12), 1783 - 1797.
Stibor, Ivan;
Havlicek, Vladimir;
Pinkhassik, Evgueni, Synthesis of new chiral ligands by capping of calix[4]arene derivatives. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1996, 61(8), 1182 - 1190, 10.1135/cccc19961182