Ottosson, Carl-Henrik

Michl, Josef;
Ottosson, Carl-Henrik, Conformers of n-SiMe: Ab initio, molecular mechanics, and additive increment methods. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104(15), 3367 - 3380, 10.1021/jp994054a

Michl, Josef;
Ottosson, Carl-Henrik;
Fogarty, Heather A, Conformations of oligosilanes with ethyl and methyl substituents. Journal of Molecular Structure 2000, 556(1-3), 105 - 121, 10.1016/S0022-2860(00)00656-6

Michl, Josef;
David, Donald E.;
Ottosson, Carl-Henrik;
Fogarty, Heather A.;
Tsuji, Hayato;
Ehara, Masahiro;
Nakatsuji, Hiroshi;
Tamao, Kohei, Peralkylated tetrasilanes: Conformational dependence of the photoelectron spectrum. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2002, 106(10), 2369 - 2373, 10.1021/jp013458b