Crespo, Rauel

Michl, Josef;
Merchan, Manuela;
Piqueras, Mari Carmen;
Crespo, Rauel, Conformational effects on the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of n-Tetrasilane: Multistate complete active space second-order perturbation theory treatment. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2002, 106(42), 9868 - 9873, 10.1021/jp020460+

Michl, Josef;
Piqueras, Mari Carmen;
Crespo, Rauel, The transoid, ortho, and gauche conformers of decamethyl-n-tetrasilane, n-SiMe: Electronic transitions in the multistate complete active space second-order perturbation theory description. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2003, 107(23), 4661 - 4668, 10.1021/jp022675p

Michl, Josef;
Teramae, Hiroyuki;
Antic, Dean;
Crespo, Rauel, Calculation of the conformational dependence of valence and Rydberg states in n-tetrasilane. Chemical Physics 1999, 244(2-3), 203 - 214.
Michl, Josef;
Piqueras, Mari Carmen;
Crespo, Rauel, Interpretation of the electronic spectra of four disilanes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2008, 112(50), 13095 - 13101, 10.1021/jp804677v

Ludvik, Jiri;
Klima, Jiri;
Valasek, Michal;
Michl, Josef;
Stursa, Jan;
Crespo, Rauel;
Douvris, Christos;
Wahab, Abdul;
Stepp, Brian;
Piqueras, Mari-Carmen, Measured and calculated oxidation potentials of 1-X-12-Y-CB Me anions. Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 51(9), 5128 - 5137, 10.1021/ic2026939

Michl, Josef;
Piqueras, Mari Carmen;
Crespo, Rauel, Electronic excitation in a syn-tetrasilane: 1,1,2,2,3,3, 4,4-octamethyltetrasilacyclopentane. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2007, 118(1), 81 - 87, 10.1007/s00214-007-0246-1