Stang, Peter J.

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Caskey, Douglas C.;
Shoemaker, Richard K.;
Yamamoto, Takuya;
Addicott, Chris;
Hawkridge, Adam M.;
Muddiman, David C.;
Kottas, Gregg S.;
Stang, Peter J., Coordination-driven face-directed self-assembly of trigonal prisms. Face-based conformational chirality. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(24), 7620 - 7628, 10.1021/ja710715e

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Horinek, Dominik;
Caskey, Douglas C.;
Shoemaker, Richard K.;
Stang, Peter J., Pyridine ligand rotation in self-assembled trigonal prisms. Evidence for intracage solvent vapor bubbles. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(24), 7629 - 7638, 10.1021/ja801341m