Volkis, Victoria

Michl, Josef;
Shoemaker, Richard K.;
Volkis, Victoria;
Mei, Hua, Licb11(ch3)12-catalyzed radical polymerization of isobutylene: highly branched polyisobutylene and an isobutylene-ethyl acrylate copolymer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131, 3132 - 3133.
Michl, Josef;
Volkis, Victoria;
Douvris, Christos, Oxidatively induced concurrent cationic and radical polymerization of isobutylene in the presence of LiCBMe. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133(20), 7801 - 7809, 10.1021/ja111659u

Valasek, Michal;
Michl, Josef;
Volkis, Victoria;
Janata, Miroslav;
Vlcek, Petr;
Latalova, Petra;
Svitakova, Romana;
Kaleta, Jiai, Radical polymerization of 1-alkenes catalyzed by lithium salts of carboranes. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2011, 49(9), 2018 - 2023, 10.1002/pola.24629

Michl, Josef;
Volkis, Victoria;
Mei, Hua;
Douvris, Christos;
Hanefeld, Phillip;
Hildebrandt, Nicole, Radical copolymerization of isobutylene and ethyl acrylate with LiCB Me catalyst. Macromolecules 2011, 44(8), 2552 - 2558, 10.1021/ma101926c

Michl, Josef;
Volkis, Victoria;
Mei, Hua;
Shoemaker, Richard K, LiCB(11)(CH(3))(12)-catalyzed radical polymerization of isobutylene: highly branched polyisobutylene and an isobutylene-ethyl acrylate copolymer.. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131(9), 3132 - 3133, 10.1021/ja807297g

Valasek, Michal;
Michl, Josef;
King, Benjamin T.;
Zharov, Ilya;
Fete, Matthew G.;
Volkis, Victoria;
Douvris, Christos;
Clayton, Joshua R.;
Matos, Karl, Salts of dodecamethylcarba-closo-dodecaborate(-) anion, CBMe, and the radical dodecamethylcarba-closo-dodecaboranyl, CBMe. Inorganic Syntheses 2010, 35(1), 56 - 66.