Stambasky, Jan

Hocek, Michal;
Hockova, Dana;
Stambasky, Jan, Cytostatic 6-arylpurine nucleosides V. synthesis of 8-substituted 6-phenylpurine ribonucleosides. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2003, 68(5), 837 - 848, 10.1135/cccc20030837

Malkov, Andrei V.;
Kocovsky, Pavel;
Hocek, Michal;
Stambasky, Jan;
Stefko, Martin;
Kapras, Votech;
Kysilka, Ondrej, A modular approach to aryl-C-ribonucleosides via the allylic substitution and ring-closing metathesis sequence. A stereocontrolled synthesis of all four α-/β- and D-/L-C-nucleoside stereoisomers. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2011, 76(19), 7781 - 7803, 10.1021/jo201110z

Kocovsky, Pavel;
Hocek, Michal;
Stambasky, Jan, C-Nucleosides: Synthetic Strategies and Biological Applications. Chemical Reviews 2009, 109(12), 6729 - 6764, 10.1021/cr9002165