Bednarova, Lucie

Hocek, Michal;
Pohl, Radek;
Cahova, Hana;
Bednarova, Lucie;
Novakova, Katerina;
Cvacka, Josef, Synthesis of 8-bromo-, 8-methyl- and 8-phenyl-dATP and their polymerase incorporation into DNA. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2008, 6(20), 3657 - 3660, 10.1039/b811935j

Hocek, Michal;
Pohl, Radek;
Bednarova, Lucie;
Kalachova, Lubica;
Fanfrlik, Jindrich, Synthesis of nucleosides and dNTPs bearing oligopyridine ligands linked through an octadiyne tether, their incorporation into DNA and complexation with transition metal cations. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2013, 11(1), 78 - 89, 10.1039/c2ob26881g

Budesinsky, Milos;
Hodacova, Jana;
Malon, Petr;
Bednarova, Lucie;
Pazderkova, Marketa;
Profant, Vaclav;
Sebestik, Jaroslav;
Pazderka, Tomas;
Novotna, Pavlina;
Urbanova, Marie;
Safarik, Martin;
Tichy, Milos;
Baumruk, Vladimir, Nonplanar tertiary amides in rigid chiral tricyclic dilactams. Peptide group distortions and vibrational optical activity. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013, 117(33), 9626 - 9642, 10.1021/jp405226k

Bednarova, Lucie;
Baumruk, Vladimir;
Rosenberg, Ivan;
Strajbl, Marek;
Florian, Jan;
Stepanek, Josef, Molecular structure, vibrational spectra and quantum mechanical force fields of modified oligonucleotide linkages: 1. Methyl methoxymethanphosphonate. Journal of Molecular Structure 1997, 415(1-2), 161 - 177, 10.1016/S0022-2860(97)00079-3

Cisarova, Ivana;
Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Pohl, Radek;
Bednarova, Lucie;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Fiedler, Pavel;
Jancarik, Andrej;
Rybacek, Jiri;
Chocholousova, Jana Vacek;
Cocq, Kevin, Rapid access to dibenzohelicenes and their functionalized derivatives. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2013, 52(38), 9970 - 9975, 10.1002/anie.201301739