Knochel, Paul
Duplais, Christophe;
Bures, Filip;
Sapountzis, Ioannis;
Korn, Tobias J.;
Cahiez, Gerard;
Knochel, Paul,
An efficient synthesis of diaryl ketones by iron-catalyzed arylation of aroyl cyanides.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2004,
43(22), 2968 - 2970,
Knochel, Paul;
Kulhanek, Jiri;
Varela, Jesus A.;
Pena, Diego;
Goldfuss, Bernd;
Denisenko, Dmitri;
Polborn, Kurt,
Diastereoselective remote C-H activation by hydroboration.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2004,
10(17), 4252 - 4264,