Durand, Jean-Olivier

Hodacova, Jana;
Hlinka, Jiri;
Raehm, Laurence;
Granier, Michel;
Ramonda, Michel;
Durand, Jean-Olivier, Attachment of trianglamines to silicon wafers, chiral recognition by chemical force microscopy. Comptes Rendus Chimie 2010, 13(4), 481 - 485, 10.1016/j.crci.2010.01.004

Saman, David;
Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Klepetarova, Blanka;
Granier, Michel;
Durand, Jean-Olivier;
Perzyna, Aurore;
Dal Zotto, Christophe;
Smietana, Michael;
Melnyk, Oleg, Reaction of isocyanate-functionalised silicon wafers with complex amino compounds. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2007(24), 4032 - 4037, 10.1002/ejoc.200700044