Clercq, Erik de

Holy, Antonin;
Hrebabecky, Hubert;
Clercq, Erik de, SYNTHESIS OF 3'-AZIDO-2',3'-DIDEOXY-6-METHYLURIDINE, 2',3'-DIDEOXY-6-METHYLURIDINE AND 2',3'-DIDEOXY-2',3'-DIDEHYDRO-6-METHYLURIDINE. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1990, 55(7), 1801 - 1811.
Holy, Antonin;
Votruba, Ivan;
Clercq, Erik de;
Koenig, Joachim;
Vesely, Jiri;
Cech, Dieter, 5'-O-ALKYL-5-FLUOROURIDINES: SYNTHESIS AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1987, 52(6), 1589 - 1608.
Holy, Antonin;
Andrei, Graciela;
Snoeck, Robert;
Pohl, Radek;
Clercq, Erik de;
Horejsi, Katerina, Tricyclic etheno analogs of PMEG and PMEDAP: Synthesis and biological activity. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2006, 14(23), 8057 - 8065, 10.1016/j.bmc.2006.07.036

Holy, Antonin;
Andrei, Graciela;
Snoeck, Robert;
Balzarini, Jan;
Pohl, Radek;
Clercq, Erik de;
Janeba, Zlatko, Synthesis and biological evaluation of acyclic nucleotide analogues with a furo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2(3H)-one base. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 2010, 88(7), 628 - 638, 10.1139/V10-054

Holy, Antonin;
Dracinsky, Martin;
Jansa, Petr;
Votruba, Ivan;
Balzarini, Jan;
Klepetarova, Blanka;
Clercq, Erik de;
Janeba, Zlatko;
Baszczynski, Ondrej, Synthesis and antiviral activity of N-[3-fluoro-2- (phosphonomethoxy)propyl] analogues derived from N-substituted adenines and 2,6-diaminopurines. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2011, 19(7), 2114 - 2124, 10.1016/j.bmc.2011.02.050