Kivala, Milan

Bures, Filip;
Pytela, Oldrich;
Diederich, Francois;
Kivala, Milan, Solvatochromism as an efficient tool to study N,N-dimethylamino- and cyano-substituted π-conjugated molecules with an intramolecular charge-transfer absorption. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2011, 24(4), 274 - 281, 10.1002/poc.1744

Kivala, Milan;
Cibulka, Radek;
Hampl, Frantisek, Cleavage of 4-nitrophenyl diphenyl phosphate by isomeric quaternary pyridinium Ketoximes - How can structure and lipophilicity of functional surfactants influence their reactivity in micelles and microemulsions?. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2006, 71(11-12), 1642 - 1658, 10.1135/cccc20061642