Vacek, Jaroslav

Holy, Antonin;
Dracinsky, Martin;
Jansa, Petr;
Chocholouasova, Jana;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Kovackova, Soaa, Mechanism of the isotopic exchange reaction of the 5-H hydrogen of uracil derivatives in water and nonprotic solvents. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2011(4), 777 - 785, 10.1002/ejoc.201001335

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Caskey, Douglas C.;
Shoemaker, Richard K.;
Yamamoto, Takuya;
Addicott, Chris;
Hawkridge, Adam M.;
Muddiman, David C.;
Kottas, Gregg S.;
Stang, Peter J., Coordination-driven face-directed self-assembly of trigonal prisms. Face-based conformational chirality. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(24), 7620 - 7628, 10.1021/ja710715e

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Winston, Erick B.;
Lowell, Peter J.;
Chocholousova, Jana;
Price, John C., Dipolar molecular rotors in the metal-organic framework crystal IRMOF-2. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2008, 10(34), 5188 - 5191, 10.1039/b808104b

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Horinek, Dominik;
Caskey, Douglas C.;
Shoemaker, Richard K.;
Stang, Peter J., Pyridine ligand rotation in self-assembled trigonal prisms. Evidence for intracage solvent vapor bubbles. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130(24), 7629 - 7638, 10.1021/ja801341m

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Prokop, Alexandr, Friction in carborane-based molecular rotors driven by gas flow or electric field: Classical molecular dynamics. ACS Nano 2012, 6(3), 1901 - 1914, 10.1021/nn300003x

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef, Molecular dynamics of a grid-mounted molecular dipolar rotor in a rotating electric field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2001, 98(10), 5481 - 5486, 10.1073/pnas.091100598

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef, A molecular "Tinkertoy" construction kit: Computer simulation of molecular propellers. New Journal of Chemistry 1997, 21(12), 1259 - 1268.
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Pecka, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Magnera, Thomas F., Synthesis and Handling of Single Sheets of a Covalent Monolayer Square Grid Polymer. ACS Symposium Series 1997, 679, 213 - 220.
Cisarova, Ivana;
Saman, David;
Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Pohl, Radek;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Jancarik, Andrej;
Andronova, Angelina;
Samal, Michal;
Zadny, Jaroslav;
Vacekchocholousova, Jana, A general approach to optically pure [5]-, [6]-, and [7]heterohelicenes. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2012, 51(24), 5857 - 5861, 10.1002/anie.201108307

Cisarova, Ivana;
Saman, David;
Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Rulisek, Lubomir;
Cvacka, Josef;
Tichy, Milos;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Chocholousova, Jana;
Sehnal, Petr;
Misek, Jiri;
Szymonski, Marek;
Goryl, Grzegorz, An organometallic route to long helicenes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009, 106(32), 13169 - 13174, 10.1073/pnas.0902612106

Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Pohl, Radek;
Belohradsky, Martin;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Pospisil, Lubomir;
Fiedler, Jan;
Hromadova, Magdalena;
Lipnicka, Sarka;
Kolivoska, Viliam;
Chocholousova, Jana Vacek, Tetrathiafulvalene-oligo(para-phenyleneethynylene) conjugates: Formation of multiple mixed-valence complexes upon electrochemical oxidation. Chemistry - A European Journal 2013, 19(19), 6108 - 6121, 10.1002/chem.201102868

Svoboda, Jiri;
Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Chocholousova, Jana Vacek;
Seidler, Arnost;
Dekoj, Vaclav, The synthesis of π-electron molecular rods with a thiophene or thieno[3,2-b]thiophene core unit and sulfur alligator clips. Tetrahedron Letters 2013, 54(22), 2795 - 2798, 10.1016/j.tetlet.2013.03.084

Cisarova, Ivana;
Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Pohl, Radek;
Bednarova, Lucie;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Fiedler, Pavel;
Jancarik, Andrej;
Rybacek, Jiri;
Chocholousova, Jana Vacek;
Cocq, Kevin, Rapid access to dibenzohelicenes and their functionalized derivatives. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2013, 52(38), 9970 - 9975, 10.1002/anie.201301739

Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Pospisil, Lubomir;
Misek, Jiri;
Andronova, Angelina;
Samal, Michal;
Songis, Olivier;
Vacek Chocholousova, Jana;
Meyer, Michel;
Bourdillon, Melanie, On the physicochemical properties of pyridohelicenes. Chemistry - A European Journal 2014, 20(3), 877 - 893, 10.1002/chem.201204410

Cisarova, Ivana;
Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Pohl, Radek;
Vacek, Jaroslav;
Jancarik, Andrej;
Pospisil, Lubomir;
Tarabek, Jan;
Chercheja, Serghei;
Rybacek, Jiri;
Klivar, Jiri;
Vacek Chocholousova, Jana;
Salzl, Simon, The use of cobalt-mediated cycloisomerisation of ynedinitriles in the synthesis of pyridazinohelicenes. Chemistry - A European Journal 2014, 20(27), 8477 - 8482, 10.1002/chem.201402312