Molecular Formula: C7H5ClO
Molecular weight: 140.567
InChi: InChI=1S/C7H5ClO/c8-7(9)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H
SMILES: c1(C(=O)Cl)ccccc1
Chemical Name
benzenecarbonyl chloride
benzoic acid chloride
benzoic chloride
benzoyl chloride
Bz chloride
phenylcarbonyl chloride
benzenecarbonyl chloride
benzoic acid chloride
benzoic chloride
benzoyl chloride
Bz chloride
phenylcarbonyl chloride

Cisarova, Ivana
Duplais, Christophe
Bures, Filip
Sapountzis, Ioannis
Korn, Tobias J.
Cahiez, Gerard
Knochel, Paul
Kulhanek, Jiri
Pytela, Oldrich
Ludwig, Miroslav
Prusek, Ondrej
Ruzicka, Ales
Tydlitat, Jiri
Mloston, Grzegorz
Drabina, Pavel
Cerny, Miloslav
Dolezalova, Jitka
Macova, Jindra
Pacak, Josef
Trnka, Tomas
Budesinsky, Milos
Cerny, Ivan
Krecmerova, Marcela
Holy, Antonin
Jindrich, Jindrich
Polakova, Jana
Hamernikova, Michaela
Dracinsky, Martin
Malkov, Andrei V.
Kocovsky, Pavel
Dvorakova, Hana
Stibor, Ivan
Sedlak, Milos
Hanusek, Jiri
Machacek, Vladimir
Rosa, Pavel
Kotora, Martin
Simunek, Petr
Jansa, Petr
Dvorak, Dalimil
Stary, Ivo
Havranek, Miroslav
Hocek, Michal
Tobrman, Tomas
Meca, Ludek
Cerny, Jiri
Votruba, Ivan
Kavalek, Jaromir
Hejtmankova, Ludmila
Kubicova, Lenka
Sterba, Vojeslav
Langer, Vratislav
Potacek, Milan
Havlicek, Vladimir
Masojidkova, Milena
Balzarini, Jan
Pohl, Radek
Klepetarova, Blanka
Vrabel, Milan
Valterova, Irena
Rosenberg, Ivan
Hrebabecky, Hubert
Clercq, Erik de
Koenig, Joachim
Vesely, Jiri
Cech, Dieter
Cvorakova, Hana
Votavova, Hana
Janeba, Zlatko
Tocik, Zdenek
Havlas, Zdenek
Sala, Michal
Nencka, Radim
Neyts, Johan
Vrbkova, Silvie
Dejmek, Milan
De Palma, Armando M.
Hebabecky, Hubert
Leyssen, Pieter
Drainsky, Martin
Kaiser, Martin Maxmilian
El Bahaie, Said
Jirman, Josef
Novak, Jaroslav
Halama, Ales
Takahashi, Tamotsu
Xi, Zhenfeng
Hara, Ryuichiro
Fischer, Reinald
Nishihara, Yasushi
Nakajima, Kiyohiko
Xi, Chanjuan
Huo, Shouquan
Liu, Yuanhong
Shen, Baojian
Herrmann, Pavel
Rosemeyer, Helmut
Seela, Frank
Luebbers, Thomas
Angehrn, Peter
Gmuender, Hans
Herzig, Silvia
Kulhanek, Josef
Tkadlecova, Marcela
Lhotak, Pavel
Palecek, Jaroslav
Budka, Jan
Michlova, Veronika
Mustafina, Asiya R.
Cajan, Michal
Holakovsky, Roman
Curinova, Petra
Pojarova, Michaela
Bauerova, Ingrid
Mazal, Ctibor
Rothova, Vera
Jonas, Jaroslav
Melsa, Petr
Pinkhassik, Evgueni
Vicha, Robert
Endova, Magdalena
Polakova, Ivana
Gouriou, Laure
Lloyd-Jones, Guy C.
Spoor, Paul
Vinader, Victoria
Vesely, Ivan
Mostecky, Jiri
Lellek, Vit
Klinot, Jiri
Vystrcil, Alois
Duplais, Christophe
Bures, Filip
Sapountzis, Ioannis
Korn, Tobias J.
Cahiez, Gerard
Knochel, Paul
Kulhanek, Jiri
Pytela, Oldrich
Ludwig, Miroslav
Prusek, Ondrej
Ruzicka, Ales
Tydlitat, Jiri
Mloston, Grzegorz
Drabina, Pavel
Cerny, Miloslav
Dolezalova, Jitka
Macova, Jindra
Pacak, Josef
Trnka, Tomas
Budesinsky, Milos
Cerny, Ivan
Krecmerova, Marcela
Holy, Antonin
Jindrich, Jindrich
Polakova, Jana
Hamernikova, Michaela
Dracinsky, Martin
Malkov, Andrei V.
Kocovsky, Pavel
Dvorakova, Hana
Stibor, Ivan
Sedlak, Milos
Hanusek, Jiri
Machacek, Vladimir
Rosa, Pavel
Kotora, Martin
Simunek, Petr
Jansa, Petr
Dvorak, Dalimil
Stary, Ivo
Havranek, Miroslav
Hocek, Michal
Tobrman, Tomas
Meca, Ludek
Cerny, Jiri
Votruba, Ivan
Kavalek, Jaromir
Hejtmankova, Ludmila
Kubicova, Lenka
Sterba, Vojeslav
Langer, Vratislav
Potacek, Milan
Havlicek, Vladimir
Masojidkova, Milena
Balzarini, Jan
Pohl, Radek
Klepetarova, Blanka
Vrabel, Milan
Valterova, Irena
Rosenberg, Ivan
Hrebabecky, Hubert
Clercq, Erik de
Koenig, Joachim
Vesely, Jiri
Cech, Dieter
Cvorakova, Hana
Votavova, Hana
Janeba, Zlatko
Tocik, Zdenek
Havlas, Zdenek
Sala, Michal
Nencka, Radim
Neyts, Johan
Vrbkova, Silvie
Dejmek, Milan
De Palma, Armando M.
Hebabecky, Hubert
Leyssen, Pieter
Drainsky, Martin
Kaiser, Martin Maxmilian
El Bahaie, Said
Jirman, Josef
Novak, Jaroslav
Halama, Ales
Takahashi, Tamotsu
Xi, Zhenfeng
Hara, Ryuichiro
Fischer, Reinald
Nishihara, Yasushi
Nakajima, Kiyohiko
Xi, Chanjuan
Huo, Shouquan
Liu, Yuanhong
Shen, Baojian
Herrmann, Pavel
Rosemeyer, Helmut
Seela, Frank
Luebbers, Thomas
Angehrn, Peter
Gmuender, Hans
Herzig, Silvia
Kulhanek, Josef
Tkadlecova, Marcela
Lhotak, Pavel
Palecek, Jaroslav
Budka, Jan
Michlova, Veronika
Mustafina, Asiya R.
Cajan, Michal
Holakovsky, Roman
Curinova, Petra
Pojarova, Michaela
Bauerova, Ingrid
Mazal, Ctibor
Rothova, Vera
Jonas, Jaroslav
Melsa, Petr
Pinkhassik, Evgueni
Vicha, Robert
Endova, Magdalena
Polakova, Ivana
Gouriou, Laure
Lloyd-Jones, Guy C.
Spoor, Paul
Vinader, Victoria
Vesely, Ivan
Mostecky, Jiri
Lellek, Vit
Klinot, Jiri
Vystrcil, Alois

Duplais, Christophe;
Bures, Filip;
Sapountzis, Ioannis;
Korn, Tobias J.;
Cahiez, Gerard;
Knochel, Paul, An efficient synthesis of diaryl ketones by iron-catalyzed arylation of aroyl cyanides. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2004, 43(22), 2968 - 2970, 10.1002/anie.200453696

Bures, Filip;
Pytela, Oldrich;
Prusek, Ondrej, ortho-Effect on the acid-catalyzed hydration of 2-substituted α-methylstyrenes. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2009, 74(1), 85 - 99, 10.1135/cccc2008115

Bures, Filip;
Kulhanek, Jiri;
Ruzicka, Ales, Probing electronic and regioisomeric control in an asymmetric Henry reaction catalyzed by camphor-imidazoline ligands. Tetrahedron Letters 2009, 50(25), 3042 - 3045, 10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.04.010

Bures, Filip;
Kulhanek, Jiri;
Ruzicka, Ales;
Tydlitat, Jiri;
Mloston, Grzegorz, Camphor-annelated imidazolines with various N1 and C2 pendants as tunable ligands for nitroaldol reactions. Tetrahedron Asymmetry 2012, 23(13), 1010 - 1018, 10.1016/j.tetasy.2012.06.016

Cerny, Miloslav;
Dolezalova, Jitka;
Macova, Jindra;
Pacak, Josef;
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Cisarova, Ivana;
Cerny, Miloslav;
Trnka, Tomas;
Budesinsky, Milos;
Polakova, Jana;
Hamernikova, Michaela, 1,6-Anhydro-1-thio-β-D-glucopyranose (thiolevoglucosan) and the corresponding sulfoxides and sulfone. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2006, 71(3), 311 - 336, 10.1135/cccc20060311

Drabina, Pavel;
Sedlak, Milos;
Hanusek, Jiri, Cyclisation reactions giving 5,5-dimethyl-2-phenylimidazolin-4-thiones and 4,4-dimethyl-2-phenylthiazolin-5-ones. Heterocyclic Communications 2003, 9(2), 129 - 134.
Drabina, Pavel;
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Hanusek, Jiri;
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Dvorak, Dalimil;
Havranek, Miroslav, 3-(tributylstannyl)allyl alcohols: Useful building blocks for solid-phase synthesis of skipped dienes and trienes. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2000, 65(3), 434 - 454.
Dvorakova, Hana;
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Sedlak, Milos;
Hanusek, Jiri;
Hejtmankova, Ludmila;
Kubicova, Lenka, Synthesis of substituted 2-benzoylaminothiobenzamides and their ring closure to substituted 2-phenylquinazoline-4-thiones. Molecules 2001, 6(4), 323 - 337.
Sedlak, Milos;
Hanusek, Jiri;
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Sterba, Vojeslav, Kinetics and mechanism of the base-catalysed cyclisation of 2-(substituted benzoylamino)benzamides giving quinazolin-4-one and quinazolin-4-thione derivatives. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2002(11), 1855 - 1863.
Hocek, Michal;
Votruba, Ivan;
Pohl, Radek;
Klepetarova, Blanka;
Vrabel, Milan, Synthesis of 2′-deoxyadenosine nucleosides bearing bipyridine-type ligands and their Ru-complexes in position 8 through cross-coupling reactions. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2007, 5(17), 2849 - 2857, 10.1039/b709245h

Holy, Antonin;
Votruba, Ivan;
Clercq, Erik de;
Koenig, Joachim;
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Holy, Antonin;
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Holy, Antonin;
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Holy, Antonin;
Jindrich, Jindrich;
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Holy, Antonin;
Rosenberg, Ivan;
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Krecmerova, Marcela;
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Krecmerova, Marcela;
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Budesinsky, Milos;
Krecmerova, Marcela;
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Holy, Antonin;
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