ACS Nano

Michl, Josef;
Sykes, E. Charles H., Molecular rotors and motors: recent advances and future challenges. ACS Nano 2009, 3(5), 1042 - 1048, 10.1021/nn900411n

Vacek, Jaroslav;
Michl, Josef;
Prokop, Alexandr, Friction in carborane-based molecular rotors driven by gas flow or electric field: Classical molecular dynamics. ACS Nano 2012, 6(3), 1901 - 1914, 10.1021/nn300003x

Stary, Ivo;
Stara, Irena G.;
Jancarik, Andrej;
Pinardi, Anna Lisa;
Otero-Irurueta, Gonzalo;
Palacio, Irene;
Martinez, Jose Ignacio;
Sanchez-Sanchez, Carlos;
Tello, Marta;
Rogero, Celia;
Cossaro, Albano;
Preobrajenski, Alexei;
Gomez-Lor, Berta;
Lopez, M. Francisca;
Mendez, Javier;
Martin-Gago, Jose Angel, Tailored formation of n-doped nanoarchitectures by diffusion-controlled on-surface (Cyclo)Dehydrogenation of heteroaromatics. ACS Nano 2013, 7(4), 3676 - 3684, 10.1021/nn400690e