
Budesinsky, Milos;
Cvacka, Josef;
Rosenberg, Ivan;
Tocik, Zdenek;
Kasicka, Vaclav;
Pressova, Martina;
Kosiova, Ivana;
Simak, Ondrej;
Kopecky Jr., Vladimir, Oligomerization of Adenosin-5′-O-ylmethylphosphonate, an Isopolar AMP Analogue: Evaluation of the route to short Oligoadenylates. Biopolymers 2010, 93(3), 277 - 289, 10.1002/bip.21329

Rosenberg, Ivan;
Liboska, Radek;
Rejman, Dominik;
Kralikova, Sarka;
Stepanek, Josef;
Vaisocherova, Hana;
Zitova, Alice;
Lachmanova, Marketa;
Homola, Jiri, Investigating oligonucleotide hybridization at subnanomolar level by surface plasmon resonance biosensor method. Biopolymers 2006, 82(4), 394 - 398, 10.1002/bip.20433

Budesinsky, Milos;
Rosenberg, Ivan;
Tocik, Zdenek;
Barvik Jr., Ivan, Novel isosteric, isopolar phosphonate analogs of oligonucleotides: Preparation and properties. Biopolymers 2006, 83(4), 400 - 413, 10.1002/bip.20571

Stibor, Ivan;
Sebestik, Jaroslav;
Hlavacek, Jan, Rational design and synthesis of a double-stranded DNA-binder library. Biopolymers 2006, 84(4), 400 - 407, 10.1002/bip.20487